Axiom understands the importance of qualified experience when seeking out a patient recruitment and/or patient retention vendor.
Axiom’s experience in patient recruitment and retention dates back to 1993.
Our willingness to be flexible has given us the ability to thrive in this ever competitive world
of patient recruitment. Axiom is the industry’s strategic
patient recruitment partner!
We have worked with numerous pharmaceutical companies and CROs and
have received repeat business from many.
We consider our staff exceptionally versed in
the following therapeutic areas:
- Cardiology
- Gastroenterology
- Immunology/Infectious Disease
- Neurology/Central Nervous System
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Oral Healthcare
- Pain
- Pulmonary/Respiratory Disease
- Rheumatology
Click here to view case studies in some of the above listed therapeutic areas.
In addition to being subject recruitment and
retention experts,
our team members are:
- Sensitive to patient privacy and perspectives
- HIPAA educated
- Insightful regarding site expectations and challenges
- Responsive to sponsor inquiries
- Efficient through innovation
Axiom believes that these characteristics are crucial to achieving overall
business success.